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Case Studies

A 24-years-old young man, Mr. C.K.G. (Pin: 31637) visited Life Force Homeopathy on 18th March 2017 for getting his Alopecia Areata Barbe treated.
He was suffering from Alopecia Areata for the last one year. He had three patches of coin-sized alopecia developed over his beard area, one on h.....Read more

A 66-year-old female patient, Mrs. M.P. (PIN: 23572) came to Life Force with complaints of Trigeminal neuralgia. In 2014, she started experiencing complaints of trigeminal neuralgia. After doing her research about the therapy involved in curing Other More Case Studies


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Myths and Facts about homeopathy

Role of Homeopathy for Asthma in Children Explained by Dr. Shah

Chronic Urticaria Treatment with Homeopathy Explains Dr Shah

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