What are Nosodes?
Nosodes are homeopathic medicines sourced from biological, microbes, or diseased products (or tissues). They are precursors of vaccines, but not vaccines. They are comparable with vaccines but their scope in the treatment is more curative than preventive. The preventive role is not yet fully explored. There are some research findings suggestive of their preventive role as well, however, a lot more research is required.
Interestingly the role of nosodes is not restricted to the diseases from which they are sourced. For example, the use of homeopathic nosode sourced from Cancer tissues is not only for cases of cancer but also for diseases such as autism, warts, skin diseases, and more.
Nosodes have been in use in homeopathy since 1826; more so from 1875 onwards. However, in those years since microbiology was not well developed, the nosodes were then prepared by using the unsophisticated and crude method.
Unfortunately, in spite of marvelous development in the fields of microbiology, immunology, and medicine; the homeopathic method of nosode preparation is still one, which was used in 1880! Very unscientific and obsolete.
Dr Rajesh Shah has been researching the nosodes since 1998 and he has revamped the method of nosode preparation and introduced a scientific method. This is a revolutionary move, leading to the review of the entire category of the nosodes as well as other categories where overhauling is required.
HIV nosode
HIV is a tough virus to handle due to obvious biosafety measures. With the help of a team of experts including immunologists, pharmacologists, molecular biologists, physicians, legal experts, and homeopaths, Dr Shah managed to prepare HIV nosode, which is a revolution in the field of homeopathy.
Besides developing the HIV nosode, he also conducted the following studies with HIV nosodes:
1. Homeopathic Pathogenetic Trial (Drug Proving)2
2. Clinical trial on patients suffering from HIV infection.3
The research articles above have been published in peer-reviewed journals in Germany, UK, and India.
Hepatitis C nosode
Similarly, Dr Shah introduced another nosode from a yet more difficult virus called the Hepatitis C virus. This infection has affected the world in a big way. For example, in the United States, the cases of Hepatitis C are two and half times more than those of HIV. India and China have a large number of patients with this infection.
Mycobacterium Tuberculosis nosode
Tuberculosis bacteria have been creating havoc for humans for centuries. They keep evolving and become more dangerous over the decades.
Dr Rajesh Shah has developed a novel, revolutionary nosode from Mycobacterium Tuberculosis at the world-renowned Haffkine Institute (Mumbai).6
The medical fraternity will remember this research by Dr Shah always. The nosode is undergoing several more studies.
It may be noted that Dr Shah’s pioneering research with the nosodes will take homeopathy to a new level.
Cancer tissue nosode
Cancer tissues are processed and potentized using the currently available scientific methods to prepare novel Cancer tissue nosode. The older version of Carconosin developed about seventy years ago was not well-documented due to a lack of technology in those years. Dr Shah has developed a range of Cancer nosodes using various cancer tissues. The new Cancer nosode has demonstrated anti-cancer effects against cancer cells in cell studies. Please refer to our research papers on Nosodes.
01. “Scientific method of preparing homeopathic nosodes. “ Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy [serial online] 2014 [cited 2014 Nov 13];9: 25-33. Available from: http://www.ijrh.org/text.asp?2014/8/3/166/141740
02. “HIV Nosode: The Homeopathic Pathogenetic Trial,” by Rajesh Shah, MD, published in Forschende Komplementärmedizin / Research in Complementary Medicine, Germany, June 2015. Link: https://www.karger.com/Article/Abstract/435845
03. “Clinical trial for evaluation of a Human Immunodeficiency Virus nosode in the treatment for Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Infected individuals”, Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy [serial online] 2015 [cited 2015 April];8:166-74. Available from: http://www.ijrh.org/article.asp?issn=0974-7168;year=2015;volume=9;issue=1;spage=25;epage=33;aulast=Shah
04. “Hepatitis C Nosode: The preparation and homeopathic pathogenetic trial” in Homeopathy; Vol. 102, (3), pp 207-214: July 2013. Link: http://www.homeopathyjournal.net/article/S1475-4916(13)00007-6/abstract
05. “Hepatitis C Nosode: The preparation and homeopathic pathogenetic trial” in Homeopathy; Vol. 102, (3), pp 207-214: July 2013. Link: http://www.homeopathyjournal.net/article/S1475-4916(13)00007-6/abstract
06. Dr Rajesh Shah has developed a novel, revolutionary nosode from Mycobacterium Tuberculosis at the world’s renowned Haffkine Institute (Mumbai).
07. Dr Rajesh Shah has developed a Cancer tissue nosode from Cancer tissues
8. Evaluating the anticancer effects of high-dilution preparations of carcinogens such as HIV virus, Hepatitis C virus, Ethanol and Cancer tissues in in-vitro models
Written & Approved by-
Dr. Rajesh Shah
M.D. (Hom.)