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Dedicated Efforts Towards Homeopathy

Dedicated Efforts Towards Homeopathy
Maharashtra Times, December 20, 2004, Mumbai

Dedicated Efforts Towards Homeopathy
Maharashtra Times, December 20, 2004, Mumbai

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Lichen planus (LP) is an idiopathic, cell-mediated immune disorder. It is a chronic systemic disease that commonly involves oral mucosa and skin lesions.  The clinical manifestations of LP have been described as the 6 Ps of Lichen planus, (Pruritic, purple, polygonal, planar, papules, and pl.....Read more

34 years old male patient, Mr. S. D. M. (Patient ref. no: 5837) reported to us for complaints of recurrent headaches since last 16 years. The complaints had started early in his college days when the stress of studies was a lot and as the pressure of his studies grew, his migraines also began to .....Read more

A 42 years old strong and stout male patient came for treating his complaints of bronchial asthma. He was suffering from bronchial asthma for the last 5 years. He would start with a cough, thick whitish expectoration and then dyspnoea. He would experience a severe difficulty in breathing. He woul.....Read more

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Treatment of Hypertension in Homeopathy explained by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

Homeopathy does not required Blood test, X-rays, CT scans, MRI

Don’t let anxiety control your life! Coping with anxiety can be very difficult on your own

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