Psoriasis Treatment 

Psoriasis is a difficult-to-treat skin disease. It has been a challenge to the medical fraternity, as most cases of psoriasis tend to relapse after using any kind of currently available treatments. For psoriasis treatment, professional expertise is a must. It is important to choose an expert psoriasis doctor with high-graded professional experience for psoriasis treatment with long-lasting results, yet safe.

Different therapies for psoriasis treatment: 

There are many ways, methods, and therapies for psoriasis treatment. Many methods produce results, which may last for varying periods. The psoriasis treatment modalities included conventional medicine or so-called modern medicine and alternative medicines modes of treatment which can help for finding solutions in cases of psoriasis. 

The treatment is used by different modes of administration of the following - 

  • Topical or local cream 
  • Lotions or oils
  • Oral medicines 
  • Use of ultraviolet lights (phototherapy)
  • Injections
  • Use of needles in acupuncture.

The options are endless for psoriasis treatment. But, it is important to choose an apt scientific psoriasis treatment based on the types of psoriasis you are suffering from. 

Different types of Psoriasis 

  • Plaque psoriasis 
  • Guttate psoriasis 
  • Inverse psoriasis 
  • Pustular psoriasis 
  • Erythrodermic psoriasis 
  • Nail psoriasis 

Your doctor will analyze the type of psoriasis based on your clinical condition and medical history. Choosing conventional and alternative modes of treatment for psoriasis treatment can help you provide good relief from psoriasis. The conventional treatment can be gradually tapered with alternative natural solutions for perfect psoriasis treatment. 

Topical treatment:

Psoriasis is a disease on the skin, a layman would obviously think of getting it treated by applying some form of topical application like ointment on the skin. The use of the local application is called topical therapy. The medicines used on the skin may be in any form such as the use of immunosuppressive medicines, such as cortisone, herbal oil, antibacterial cream, moisturizer, and other topical applications.

Dr. Rajesh Shah’s views on topical treatment:

“It must be noted, as I am always saying, that psoriasis is a disease on the skin, and it is not a disease of the skin. This means that psoriasis is a disease of the internal, immunological system, which manifests on the skin. The topical treatment is going to be short-lasting and superficial. Let us not forget the different types of psoriasis which can be mild, moderate, and extensive in nature, the topical therapy is not a treatment of choice in moderate and extensive cases of psoriasis which covers the entire body, especially in guttate psoriasis,” says Dr Shah.

Our experience, based on a few thousand cases treated at Life Force, states that with psoriasis treatment (or any skin disease for that matter) by topical method, the disease invariably relapses or comes back.

Conventional medicine (immunosuppressive) medicines: Conventional medicines or so-called allopathic or modern medicine use more of the following medicines, all of them are immunosuppressive medicine in some way or the other.

  • Psoralen (with or without P-UV rays) (Oral)
  • Cortisone (Oral, injections, topical)
  • Methotrexate (Oral)
  • Cyclosporine (Oral)
  • Retinoids (Oral)
  • Biologicals

Treatment for Psoriasis at Life Force:

Psoriasis treatment at Life Force addresses the immunological factors responsible for its development. The immune system is governed by a host of factors such as genetic, environmental, physical, emotional, and hormonal factors. So, psoriasis treatment should consider the totality of the person with psoriasis.

At Life Force, we use medically graded solutions, clinically proven & research-based medicines for psoriasis treatment.

Let us give valuable insights on Psoriasis treatment at Life Force with the following- 

  • Non-medicinal moisturizer
  • Natural herbal solutions 
  • Supplements for psoriasis treatment
  • Diet for Psoriasis treatment

The psoriasis treatment plan at Life Force involves clinically proven medicines that have a targeted approach to psoriasis treatment. Along with medicines for psoriasis, we also help provide healthy solutions for good skin health, which will help you ease out psoriasis with better natural solutions. Let us give you a glimpse of natural solutions for long-lasting results at Lifeforce Homeopathy. 

Non-medicinal moisturizer:

The use of moisturizer forms a vital part of the psoriasis treatment, regardless of the kind of medicines you use as primary therapy. Excessive scaling and dryness of skin, flaking, and itching can be helped with moisturizer.

At Life Force, we suggest one or more of the following natural moisturizers:

  • Petroleum jelly
  • Coconut oil or olive oil
  • Aloe vera gel or juice 

Natural and Herbal Solutions for Psoriasis Treatment

Certain herbs and natural medicines are effective for psoriasis treatment. The treatment entails using plant-based solutions, mineral salts, botanical extracts, and chemical constituents in different forms, along with yoga, pranayama, body cleansing, and correcting food habits.

Supplements for Psoriasis Treatment:

Psoriasis does not arise due to any deficiency. However, certain supplements could help fast recovery from psoriasis indirectly. Excessive flakiness may be regulated by an adequate dose of Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D3.

Diet in Psoriasis Treatment:

As such, psoriasis is not a dietary disease. However, it has been observed that certain unhealthy diets could generally spoil health and psoriasis in particular. At Life Force, we have observed that reducing or eliminating animal proteins like red meat helps recover faster. Also, A gluten-free diet has helped many patients. Eliminating fatty foods, dairy products, processed foods, and artificially flavored foods can help treat psoriasis symptomatically. Omega 3s-rich foods, such as flaxseeds, olive oil, pumpkin seeds, and walnuts, are beneficial for psoriasis treatment.

Amazing Benefits of Psoriasis Treatment at Life Force

The psoriasis treatment plan at Lifeforce uses a different approach than other treatments to treat psoriasis and offers the affected individual a great relief. Some prominent benefits of psoriasis treatment at Lifeforce are as below:

  • The psoriasis treatment plan at Life Force improves your body’s immunity level and helps normalize your overactive immune system. It regulates the symptoms of psoriasis effectively without any concerns.
  • Psoriasis medicines and treatments are derived from natural substances that are safe to use and do not cause side effects.
  • Psoriasis treatment identifies the root cause of psoriasis skin issues and works on eliminating it.
  • Psoriasis medicines are specific with target therapy for psoriasis to every affected individual. It considers detailed medical history, past treatments, and various other factors to provide customized treatment.
  • Psoriasis treatment by Life Force provides you with long-term relief and longer remissions.

6 Effective Health Tips For Psoriasis:

  1. Resist Scratching:

You may feel an urge to scratch your inflamed, red, itchy, and patchy skin resulting from psoriasis. However, scratching your skin will only aggravate the condition, damage your skin, and give rise to infection. So, avoid scratching your psoriasis-affected skin. Make sure you have short nails and use hand gloves to avoid scratching. Consult one of our professional doctors at the Lifeforce team for psoriasis treatment to control your itching effectively with natural solutions. 

  1. Reduce Stress:

Most often, chronic psoriasis sufferers are vulnerable to anxiety, low self-esteem, depression, and suicidal thoughts. So, you need to relieve your stress to help regulate your condition. Joining a support group or going for counseling at Lifeforce can help

  1. Eat Healthily:

Eating healthy food is also a part of psoriasis treatment to regulate the flare-ups. You need to eat foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as fish like salmon, tuna, mackerel, and others, garlic, fresh fruits, carrot, kale, squash, and other fresh vegetables to regulate the inflammation. Avoid gluten foods in your diets, such as bread and pasta, as they may trigger the flare-up. Drink a lot of water daily. Also, you need to get plenty of sleep and perform exercises regularly.

  1. Have Warm Baths:

Avoid hot water baths and go for warm baths, as hot water may irritate your skin. Add Epsom salt and soothing olive oil to your lukewarm bathing water as it helps soothe your itching and offers you great relief.

  1. Avoid Triggers:

Avoiding psoriasis triggers supports psoriasis treatment, as it helps you minimize the chances of flare-ups. Figure out your psoriasis triggers, such as foods, medications, stress, or weather, and stay away from them to regulate the risks of a flare-up.

  1. Stop smoking and avoid/limit alcohol:

Make sure you stay away from alcohol and smoking, as smoking and heaving drinking can interrupt the remission periods, mitigate the effect of psoriasis treatment, and trigger the flare-ups easily. Get help from your doctor to quit smoking and regulate your drinking.

Side-Effects of other Psoriasis Treatments:

While psoriasis treatment at Life Force is 100% safe, opting for various treatments can affect your health adversely. Here are some side-effects of conventional treatments.

  • Retinoids: Even though retinoids treat psoriasis symptoms effectively, the symptoms return when you stop using them. Its side effects are lip inflammation, loss of hair, and birth defects in newborns if consumed during pregnancy.
  • Cyclosporine: Side effects of cyclosporine when used as psoriasis treatment are a weakened immune system, high blood pressure, and kidney problems.
  • Methotrexate: The long-term use of methotrexate can cause a significant reduction in white and red blood cells in your body and liver damage.
  • PUVA: Itching, burning, and nausea are some common side effects of PUVA.

Many of our patients at Life Force have been taking long-term steroids with or without relief with flare-ups before they consult us. With the Psoriasis Treatment Plan at Life Force, we have successfully delivered long-lasting results to such patients with relief. 




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Written & Approved by-

Dr. Rajesh Shah

M.D. (Hom.)

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Psoriasis Case Studies

Psoriasis is an immune-mediated disease (a disease with an unclear cause that is characterized by inflammation caused by dysfunction of the immune system) that causes inflammation in the body. There may be visible signs of inflammation such as raised plaques (plaques may look different for differ.....Read more

A 31-year-old male patient, Mr. C. M. (PIN: 13321) visited the Life Force clinic in February 2010 and started homeopathic treatment for his complaints of Palmo-planter psoriasis.

He was suffering from it for 1 year. The lesions of psoriasis were present on his hands and legs majorly. He.....Read more

A 28-year-old patient, Mr. S.K. (PIN: 39840) came with complaints of psoriasis to the Santacruz branch of Life Force in Mumbai on 9th April 2019.

He was looking for treatment for psoriasis to work on its root cause and heal the skin condition completely to eliminate it from h.....Read more

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Dr Rajesh Shah sharing 28 years of experience in Psoriasis treatment


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