What are the Symptoms of Neurofibromatosis?

NeurofibromasTo understand what are the symptoms of neurofibromatosis, let us understand what neurofibromas are:

Neurofibromas are tumors/ outgrowths of the nerve fibres. They are mostly non-cancerous in nature. They grow along the nerve line.

Neurofibromatosis is a condition in which neurofibromas develop. It is a genetic condition, passed on by family members through our genes. But in most of the newly diagnosed cases that have no family history of the condition; such cases arise from genetic mutations (changes). This can later be passed on in the future generation.

Symptoms of neurofibromatosis:

Symptoms of Neurofibromatosis (NF) vary according to the type of Neurofibromatosis – whether it’s type 1, type 2 or type 3.
Type 1- also called von Recklinghausen NF or peripheral NF is the most common type of NF. Symptoms are-

  • In this type of neurofibromatosis, symptoms in children are seen very rarely. Symptoms typically appear in young adults or middle aged adults.
  • Multiple café au lait spots (patches of light brown skin)-these are flat harmless patches-if more than 6-are strong indications of neufibromatosis.
  • Neurofibromas-multiple in number-on or under the skin. With increase in age, number of tumors may increase.
  • Freckles in the armpits or groins-these are smaller than café au lait spots and usually appear in clusters
  • Tiny growths on the colored area of the eyes are often invisible. They are called Lisch nodules which do not affect the eyesight
  • Bony changes-deficient bone minerals or bony abnormalities like twisted spine or bowed legs may be one of the neurofibromatosis symptoms in adults.
  • Tumors on the nerve supplying eyes can affect one’s eye sight
  • Nerve related pains and aches
  • Learning disabilities like impaired thinking, ADHD are common accompanying neurofibromatosis symptoms in children.
  • Other symptoms like
  • High blood pressure
  • Children with NF1 tend to have larger head size due to increased brain volume.
  • Children are usually shorter than average in height

Type 2-also called bilateral acoustic NF (BAN) is less common than NF1. Signs and symptoms develop due to non-cancerous, slow-growing tumors in both ears. The tumors grow on the nerve carrying sound and balance information from the ear to the brain. Signs and symptoms of neurofibromatosis Type 2 are as follows-

  • Gradual loss of hearing
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Weakness of the muscles of the face
  • Poor balance, loss of co-ordination
  • Headaches and giddiness
  • Cataract that can develop at an early age

Type 3-also called Schwannomas can develop from NF2 on other nerves of the body. Signs and symptoms are as follows-

  • Numbness and weakness of the fingers and toes
  • Pains in the body
  • Difficulty in balance
  • Facial drop
  • Cataract or vision difficulties

At Lifeforce, with many years of experience in treating chronic diseases including neurofibromatosis, we have come to the conclusion that neurofibromatosis is a difficult condition to be cured with homoeopathy. In a few cases we have seen that there is a control of the number and size after years of treatment. However, we usually do not recommend homeopathy at LifeForce for neurofibromatosis.

Do let us know if you found the above information useful by leaving your comments in the section below. You can also give us a call at +91-22-66888888 to discuss about homeopathic treatment by Dr Rajesh Shah for any other chronic disease. Alternately, drop in an email to us at info@lifeforce.in

– Dr Roopal Shukla, Associate Doctor to Dr Rajesh Shah, Team LifeForce.


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