Renal calculi, commonly known as kidney stones, are solid concretions (crystal aggregations) of dissolved minerals in the urine. Calculi often form inside the kidneys or bladder. Kidney stone production is the most frequent kidney condition, and those who have experienced it will recall the terrible pain (loin to groin) in the back.
Urolithiasis is the presence of stones in the urine system; nephrolithiasis is a renal stone disease. The majority of stones are of calcium, usually in the form of calcium oxalate, but they can also contain uric acid and struvite (magnesium, ammonium, and phosphate).
Kidney Stone Types
Here are some common types of kidney stones.
- Stones made of calcium oxalate
- Phosphate stones
- Uric acid crystals
- Cystine stones
- Stones of xanthine and indigo
Symptoms of Kidney Stones
When a kidney stone is silent in the kidneys, it normally does not cause any symptoms. However, when it moves, it produces excruciating pain. The pain occurring due to kidney stones usually starts in the back, just below the ribs. The discomfort follows the stone’s path through the ureter toward the groin over several hours or days. When the stone passes, the pain stops. The classic appearance of kidney stone symptoms in a patient experiencing acute pain in the loin or renal angle or from the renal angle extending towards the urethra.
- Pain in the side, back, and below the ribcage.
- Vomiting and nausea
- Blood in the urine
- Urine flow or production is reduced
- Urinary tract infection that recurs
- During a severe pain episode, the back and abdominal muscles guard and become tight.
- Urge to urinate constantly.
- Urination that is painful and causes a burning sensation
- When an infection begins, it causes fever and chills
Diagnosis of Kidney Stone
- Blood tests may reveal an abundance of calcium or uric acid in your body. Blood test results help your doctor monitor the health of your kidneys and may prompt him or her to look for other medical concerns.
- The 24-hour urine collection test may show that you are expelling either too many stone-forming minerals or insufficient stone-preventing compounds. Your doctor may request that you collect two urine samples on two consecutive days for this test.
- Urinary tract imaging testing may reveal kidney stones. High-speed or dual-energy computerized tomography (CT) scans can detect even minute stones. Because simple abdominal X-rays can overlook tiny kidney stones, they are used less frequently. Another imaging technique for diagnosing kidney stones is ultrasound, a noninvasive test that is quick and straightforward to administer.
Homeopathy for Kidney Stones
Homeopathic treatment for kidney stones is one of the most widely used holistic medical systems. The solution is chosen using a holistic approach based on the notion of individualization and symptom similarity. This is the only approach to achieving complete health by considering all signs and symptoms from which the patient is suffering and eliminating them. Homeopathy helps the individual heal from within.
Homeopathy’s goal is not just to heal kidney stones, but also to address their underlying cause and individual vulnerability. In terms of therapeutic medication, numerous well-proven homeopathic remedies for kidney stone therapy are available, which can be chosen based on the etiology, sensation, and modalities of the complaints.
Homeopathy is quite efficient in the treatment of kidney stones. Phosphate stones dissolve readily, while most oxalate stones ranging in size from 3 mm to 8 mm dissolve within days with the correct homeopathic medicine for kidney stones. The exact duration is determined by the size, shape, and location of the stone.
Homeopathic Medicine for Kidney Stones
Homeopathic medicine for kidney stones has a dual action and is both natural and safe. First, they aid in the removal of stones from the urinary tract, either by crushing them into small sand-like particles or, in a few circumstances, by leaving them intact. Second, they work to eliminate the inclination towards stone formation in the future. The affected side, as well as the discomfort and related symptoms, are evaluated when choosing the suitable Homeopathic remedy for kidney stones. The color of sand particles in urine aids in refining the search.
Although kidney stones can be successfully treated with appropriately chosen homeopathic remedies, caution should be exercised when the stone is particularly large and becomes impacted in the ureter, thereby resulting in hydronephrosis, which necessitates surgical intervention to prevent kidney damage.
Here is a list of homeopathic medicines that are used for treating kidney stones:
- Argentum nit: This drug is used to treat nephrology resulting from renal congestion or the passage of calculi. The back of the bladder is painful, and the urine is dark containing blood and deposits of renal epithelium and uric acid. Urine is normally passed in drops at a time. The patient’s face darkens and gets dry. When the patient experiences a burning sensation while passing the urine and the urethra feels enlarged, this remedy may help.
- Belladonna: It is used when kidney stones cause severe, shooting pains. This remedy is recommended when it is common to have pains and strains along the ureter while passing urine. The patient may experience fever and excitement. Irritation, gripping, and cramping are also possible.
- Benzoic acid: It is a homeopathic remedy that is used to treat nephritic colic with foul urine. The urine which is a deep red color with a strong odor indicates this medicine. It may have a cadaverous and horrible odor. Differently, the pee is thick and transparent like water. When the pee is thick and voluminous, the patient usually feels better.
- Berberis: It is another excellent homeopathic remedy for kidney stones. When there is shooting pain emanating from a spot, this homeopathic medicine is used. On his injured side, the patient may be unable to move or even sit. The discomfort may travel up to the kidneys or down to the bladder. In the pelvis, little calculi with pin heads may be formed. Berberis is effective in relieving such pain. In addition to significant pain, the patient may experience burning and soreness in the kidney. The urine is black and murky, with a lot of particles, and the flow becomes slow. Urination is becoming more frequent.
If you have any of the symptoms of kidney stones, you should see a homeopathic practitioner. A skilled homeopathic doctor should be consulted in person for tailored remedy selection and therapy. He/ She would be able to offer you the appropriate homeopathic remedies for your ailment based on its severity and symptoms.
So, if you suffer from kidney stones at any time, choose homeopathy without a second thought and obtain relief naturally, gently, and safely without any adverse effects.
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