Dos and Don’ts To Keep Frequent Cold At Bay

Dos and Don’ts To Keep Frequent Cold At Bay
The common cold, which is a mild respiratory tract infection, is believed to occur due to as many as 200 different types of viruses. Besides this, the common cold may also occur due to seasonal changes, low immunity, and other reasons.

The common cold can be airborne and may also spread due to direct contact with an infected person or contaminated surfaces. The virus causing the common cold can live on the objects for several hours.

The common symptoms of the infection can range from a runny nose, sneezing watering of eyes, fever, body ache, a sore throat, to a cough. Though it is contagious, it usually subsides on its own after running its course for a week or two.
Although you cannot get rid of it instantly, you can surely reduce the intensity of the symptoms. Let’s have a look as to how you can get the best relief.

Do’s to Relieve You of the Common Cold:
Here are some healthy habits that can help you mitigate the discomforting symptoms of the common cold.
1.Have rest.
2.Frequent and thorough hand wash. You can use an alcohol-based (60%) sanitizer.
3.Drink plenty of warm fluids.
4.Gargle with the warm salt water for relieving your sore throat.
5.Steam inhalation with some essential oil provides instant relief from sinus problems, colds, and cough.
6.Cover your nose and mouth whenever sneezing and coughing.
7.Use clean handkerchiefs or towels, which you should wash regularly.
8.If you are using disposable tissues or cups, please discard them in the bin after the use.

Don’ts to Relieve You of the Common Cold:
Avoiding some habits or practices can help you keep the common cold at bay. Find some of them below.
1.Avoid touching your eyes, mouth, nose, or any part of your face frequently.
2.Avoid going to work as you can spread the infection.
3.Do not share your personal belongings with anyone.
4.Avoid sugar as they lower our body’s capacity to heal.

Antibiotics may not help much, but cough syrups, lozenges, doses of Vitamin C, and Zinc can reduce your sufferings a little and make it easier for you to carry out your daily routine.

You should immediately visit your doctor if:

1.Your symptoms are worsening or the relief in the symptoms is not getting better within 2 weeks.

2.If you are experiencing difficulty in breathing.

Let us keep our body strong enough to fight off such infections by improving our immune system, by having a well-balanced diet, doing exercise regularly, having adequate sleep, and leading a stress-free lifestyle.





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