Stress-Busters To Follow When Stalled With Stress
Have you ever found yourself with sweaty hands on the day of job interview, office meeting, or during...

Eczema & Its Management In The Winter
An eczema is a group of skin conditions in which patches of skin show the symptoms, such as...

How To Manage And Treat Menopause
Is your menopausal phase tiring you out? Are you stressed because it’s affecting your day-to-day activities? If you...

Genital Herpes – A Tricky Virus: Signs, Symptoms, & Homeopathic Treatment Approach
Genital herpes results due to the herpes simplex virus (HSV) and is one of the most common sexually...

5 Effective Dietary Tips To Manage Autoimmune Diseases
With the scientific and technical advancements in the system of Medicine, we have been successful in treating numerous...

What Are The Adverse Health Effects Of Obesity?
Nowadays, owing to our lifestyle and faulty eating habits, obesity is the most common complaint of several individuals throughout the world. In the last 10 years, the number of obese people...

Does High Blood Pressure Cause Anxiety?
As a consulting doctor who comes across anxiety patients often, I turned quite interested in learning the relation...

7 Things To Eat When You Have Tonsillitis
Tonsils are the pair of soft tissue organ (lymph nodes) located at the rear end of the throat...

Misconceptions About Psoriasis That You Should Be Aware Of
What Is Psoriasis? Psoriasis is a skin condition marked by red, itchy, and scaly patches of the skin....

Natural Remedies For Sexual Dysfunction In Women
Recurring problems experienced by a person in any stage of the sexual activity (maybe the desire, arousal, plateau,...