How Homeopathic Treatment Helps You Combat Dandruff Naturally?

Dandruff, itchy flakes are one of the most stubborn and common hair problems that cause dead skin cells/flakes to shed. Excessive shedding of cells is visible in the form of white/yellow/grey flakes, paired with itching, oily, and reddening of the skin. Severe shedding can sometimes cause small bumps on your face and forehead, which is embarrassing and difficult to treat.


Although various remedies are readily available to suppress the symptoms superficially, permanent and effective relief from this unpleasant condition and medicine for dandruff and hair fall are particularly tough to determine. Dandruff often overlaps with various circumstances, so the causes of dandruff vary from person to person. There can be many contributing factors to dandruff that include:


Internal factors:

  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Stress
  • Seasonal allergy
  • Excessive oil production
  • Diets and lifestyle
  • Skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis


External factors:

  • Not brushing hair properly
  • Chemical-filled hair care products
  • Excessive use of hot iron, hair dryer
  • Seasonal changes, particularly in the winter when the scalp dries out and causes flaking


Besides, there are several types of dandruff, each with a unique cause. Some of the types of dandruff that can make your scalp itch and flake are:


  • Dry skin dandruff: Wherein flakes appear white or grey
  • Oily dandruff: Wherein flakes appear yellowish and sometimes can cause an unpleasant smell.
  • Fungus-related dandruff: Fungus attacks can trigger an inflammatory response and produce dandruff.
  • Psoriasis-related dandruff: Psoriasis is an autoimmune condition that causes skin cells to grow and shed quickly. The skin may show silver powdery flakes and red-inflamed patches.
  • Seborrheic dermatitis: Occurs in people with oily skin and can cause red scaly patches and itching.


While some can be treated easily with diet changes or changing hair care routines and home remedies, other types of dandruff may require prescription medications. It’s essential to identify which type of dandruff you are experiencing. The successful treatment for dandruff lies in the fact that it should not relapse with time. So how do you achieve that? It’s through identifying the cause of dandruff & then treating it, and homeopathy can help you do that. For the effective treatment of dandruff, homeopathy has a great scope.


Homeopathic treatment for dandruff is holistic, which means it provides the most specific treatment for this troublesome condition as it targets the root cause, not just the symptoms. Homeopathy medicines are prepared from the concentration of root extracts, herbs, and natural materials, which makes them safe and side-effect-free.


It would be wise to consult an expert homeopathy doctor to identify the treatment option for long-lasting relief. Homeopaths will help you rule out the conditions, guide you with a proper line of treatment, and offer you the best homeopathic medicine for dandruff and hair fall.


For treating dandruff, a well-planned and systematic treatment method is applied to promote the body’s natural healing capacity to make the scalp healthy, reduce itchiness, and restore the disturbed immune system to reduce the multiplication of cells and flaking.


Typical dandruff treatment in homeopathy starts with a homeopathic doctor identifying the patient’s causes and symptoms while accounting for their personality, hereditary, emotional well-being, & more. It may involve some physical examinations or tests, and in some severe cases biopsy too, to confirm the reason or any underlying conditions leading to dandruff.


After determining all the modalities of the patient and the root cause, a homeopathic treatment plan is suggested to the concerned individual in small doses. Once the patient follows the Homeopathy treatment, their body’s innate capacity starts to heal and provides permanent relief from the condition.


Some of the recommended homeopathy medicines to treat dandruff are:

  • Cochlearia Armoracia: Effective for every kind of dandruff.
  • Arnica: Improves scalp texture and relieves symptoms of itching and inflammation.
  • Kali Sulph: Effective in treating yellow flaking
  • Thuja: For treating white flakes and hair fall
  • Calcarea Sulph: Treats severe scaling and pimples resulting due to dandruff.
  • Phosphorous: For itchy scalp and hair fall.


These are the following ways patients receive homeopathy treatment and get treated for dandruff. Sometimes it can be two or all.

  • Homeopathic pills and drops: Homeopathic pills or powders are made of sugar pellets with a mild dose of medicine that gets dissolved on their own, whereas homeopathy drops are a little concentrated form of this medicine that require to be taken with water. Homeopathy medicines are specific to individuals, which makes them highly effective. As a result, different people with the same condition, in this case, dandruff, receive different treatments. Unlike conventional medicine, if specific homeopathy medications for dandruff get prescribed to one individual, they may not work with others. If you are dealing with dandruff, consult a homeopath before consuming them.


  • Homeopathic shampoo: Depending on your scalp conditions, you may receive an appropriate recommendation for homeopathy shampoo. Homeopathy shampoos are different from traditional shampoos. These are made from natural herbal ingredients and medicines. They are mild and gentle on the scalp offering you complete hair solutions right from treating dandruff & fungal infections to regulating itching & flaking and making hair tangle-free, soft & shiny.


  • Homeopathy Oil: These oils are prepared from the right combination of homeopathic medicines to offer a holistic treatment for dandruff. It may help improve scalp texture, relieve symptoms of itching & inflammation, prevent hair loss, and promote the growth of hair.


A well-selected homeopathy remedy not only helps eliminate recurring dandruff and hair fall problems but also gets to its root and treats it once and for all. Some of the efforts recommended at an individual level are to have a proper lifestyle routine and a well-balanced diet besides taking these medications. Try staying away from stress & chemical-filled hair care products, as they can trigger the symptoms. If you have a dry scalp, moisturize and keep it hydrated with oil and aloe vera gel to prevent it from further drying.


If you have been dealing with dandruff symptoms for a long time and trying to treat it on your own through home remedies, it’s time to take action before the condition worsens. Opt for homeopathic medicine for dandruff for a better, permanent, and safe healing.


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