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Case Studies

28 years old Dr. R. S. T. (Patient Identification Number - 19422) visited our clinic on 24th April 2013 . She was suffering from Molluscum contagiosum on her right eyelid. The size was gradually increasing. It had become prominent in past 2 mo.....Read more

A twenty years old male patient Mr. S.R.K. (Patient Identification Number-19808) came to Life Force for the treatment for Palmo-plantar psoriasis since 1.5 years. His psoriasis had then started involving the toe nails around September 2012. Patient had used Vitamin D3 analogue steroidal cream for.....Read more

A Patient Mrs. BPR [PIN 14472] aged 54 years, residing in Ghatkopar, came to Life Force for the treatment of Nephrotic Syndrome (focal proliferative glomerulonephritis)

All her symptoms started with frothy urine and weakness, she was duly investigated by her family physician and diagnos.....Read more

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Homeopathy has not failed but some homeopaths have failed, says Dr Rajesh Shah

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Anxiety Neurosis

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