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Case Studies

A 45-year-old male from Mumbai, Mr. R. T. (PIN: 39195) started treatment from Life Force Homeopathy for his complaint of Piles on 19th March 2019.

The patient was suffering from piles for 1 year. He was experiencing burning pain with bleeding after passing the stool. I.....Read more

A 37-year-old male patient, Mr. Y.V.P. (PIN: 37641) visited our Pune clinic on 7th August 2018. He was suffering from Acidity for the past 12 years. He complained of heartburn, burning sensation in the throat, chest and abdomen, nausea, vomiting of bile in the morning, and sour eructati.....Read more

A 49-years-old businessman from Rajasthan, India, Mr. M.Y. (PIN: 16359) reported at Life Force in June 2011. He had been suffering from a non-healing varicose ulcer on his right leg for the last 3 years. The ulcer was large, about 6-8 cm in diameter, with a reddish raw surface and an offensive di.....Read more

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Is homeopathic prescribing based only on the mind symptoms? Explains by Dr Rajesh Shah

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