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Case Studies

A 62-year-old lady from Dubai, Mrs. J.M. (PIN: 24244) visited Life Force clinic on 17th October 2016 for the treatment of her lichen planus. Her lichen planus had started with a small patch in the buccal mucosa that later started affecting her skin. She had hyperpigmented papules with itching. Wh.....Read more

Sixty years old Mr. RF (Patient Identification Number: 5405), visited Life Force Homeopathy on 27th February 2003 for treatment of Psoriasis.His complaints started in November 2002. He started developing raised, red, shiny, circular eruptions on his bilateral knee joints, elbow joints, and forear.....Read more

A 50-years-old businessman, Mr. V.K.S (PIN 10422) visited Life Force Homeopathy on 25th February 2008 for the treatment of allergic rhinitis and anal fissure.

He presented with complaints of frequent episodes of sneezing, watery nasal discharge, and heaviness in the head. His complaints.....Read more

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Child Asthma

Psoriatic Arthritis

Lichen Planus and its homeopathic treatment explained by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

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