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Case Studies

61 years old businessman Mr N.N.V. (Patient Identification Number - 15955) from Mumbai, India reported at Life Force with complaints of Psoriasis on 30 April 2011

He was suffering from Psoriasis on the palms and soles since 2 years. He used to have itching, scaling and cracks due to exc.....Read more

A 51-year-old male, Mr. S.K. (PIN: 5269) visited Life Force on 17th March 2003 with the complaint of genital herpes.

He was suffering from this complaint for 1 year. The major complaint of the patient was pustular eruptions on the genitals with itching and irritation. No redness or burn.....Read more

27-years-old resident of Colaba Mumbai Mr. A.G. (Patient Identification Number: 26329) sought treatment at Life Force on 25th August 2015 for his complaints of pilonidal sinus. He had pilonidal sinus since last six to seven months. He would develop it once in a month that would last fo.....Read more

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Explaining Hair loss, Alopecia Areata and Male Pattern Baldness treatment, by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

Don’t let anxiety control your life! Coping with anxiety can be very difficult on your own

Homeopathy has not failed but some homeopaths have failed, says Dr Rajesh Shah

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