Switch To Homeopathic Sweet Pills To Ward Off Pain During Menses

    24-years-old Miss S. R (Patient identification number 27031) reported to the clinic with complaints of Dysmenorrhea since 2 years. She suffered from lower abdominal pain that would begin one day before her menses and last for about one day. She used to suffer from spasmodic pain in the lower abdomen and backache during the menses. She also had nausea along with abdominal pain that sometimes used to end into vomiting. And, she also suffered from pain in her thighs before menses. The abdominal pain would get reduced by lying down on the back. 

    Her cycles were regular and the flow used to be moderate. She had taken homeopathic treatment for 1 year that helped her with good recovery, but soon she stopped the treatment and the complaint started again. She would require anti-spasmodic drugs and muscle relaxants to relieve the pain, and, generally, these would have to be continued only for 1 day during the menses.

    Physical Generals:
    She had an average appetite with a marked desire for spicy food. She disliked sweets. Generally, she was sensitive to cold, and she used to be comfortable with warm weather. Her sleep was sound. 

    She used to get irritated easily, but she tried to control it and not to express it. She had a marked fear of water, insects, and needles. She was fond of being in company. She loved to read, and she was very fond of music too. 

    Past History: She had not suffered from any major disease/infection in the past.

    Family History: Her mother had the same complaint of Dysmenorrhea.

    Dr. Shah went through the entire case, and, after analyzing the case, Dr. Shah prescribed her Pusatilla 30 along with one of the research-based medicines to address Dysmenorrhea for 1.5 months.

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    Two months later, the patient visited for the first follow-up. She mentioned that the pain was reduced a little. The intensity of abdominal pain had reduced. The problem of vomiting and nausea had stopped, and her fatigue and body pain had reduced a lot with medicines.

    In the subsequent follow-ups for the next four months, patient reported 90% improvement in her symptoms and she was quite happy with the treatment. She gave online feedback regularly and medicines were sent to her promptly.

    In June 2016, patient visited personally. She mentioned that she had painful menses in the month of June. Pain in abdomen had increased on the first day of menses. Body ache, pain in thighs, and nausea also had increased. Dr. Shah prescribed her Pulsatilla 30 along with a few of his research-based medicines for 1 month.

    For the subsequent follow-ups, patient visited personally to Mulund clinic as she had painful menses in the month of July, August, and September 2016. But, the intensity of the pain was quite less and the duration of pain had also reduced a lot. The patient was very anxious, as she was feeling much better initially but for last three months complaints had increased. Based on history told by the patient, Dr. Shah prescribed revised medicines.

    In the month of October 2016, the patient reported 100% recovery. Pain in the abdomen before menses was completely reduced. Nausea, backache, and body ache had vanished. She no longer required antispasmodics and muscle relaxants on every single day of her menses which would give her only temporary relief. Thus, overall she did very well with the homeopathic treatment and got rid of her 2 years long illness and at the same time, she got rid of her dependency on painkillers.

    Remark: The remedy prescribed in this case is patient-specific i.e. it has been prescribed based on the symptoms specific to the patient at that point in time. It is advisable that the patient does not indulge in any self-medication.

    -    Written by Dr. Dhanashree, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah 
    -    Edited by Manjiri Kochrekar

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