Homeopathy Offered A Complete Recovery From Tinea Versicolor Without Any Recurrence

    Mr. M. V. (PIN 9791) visited our clinic for the treatment of Tinea Versicolor. He was suffering from Tinea Versicolor from the last 7 years. He had large hypopigmented patches on the neck, upper arm, chest, back, and abdomen. There was no itching. He was on the conventional treatment which would give him only a temporary relief, despite which his spots were spreading rapidly. 

    His appetite was average, and he had a marked craving for the salty foods. He would sweat profusely, mainly on the palms. His sleep was sound. He was mild and gentle by nature. He was very calm and adjusting too. 

    We treat patients from USA, UK, Canada, Australia, UAE & 180 more countries. Get an expert opinion on your ailment, click here to ask Dr. Shah's team directly.

    Dr. Rajesh Shah studied his case in detail, and, after studying the case in detail, he prescribed research-based medicines for Tinea Versicolor to the patient. 

    Within 4 weeks, M.V. reported of a slight betterment in his condition.

    In the next 8 weeks, his Tinea was better by 40%. His medicines were continued further. 

    In 4 months his relief from Tinea Versicolor improved by 70%. He had no complaints. Sometimes his on and off of the patches would increase, but they would subside in no time. He continued with the medication for one year, after which there was a complete recovery from Tinea Versicolor. There were no patches. He has not reported of the Tinea anytime later. 

    He was thankful to Dr. Shah and Life Force team as he got rid of his seven years persistent skin problem.


    This case highlights that Tinea Versicolor can be treated effectively with homeopathy. Homeopathy offers you a complete relief from Tinea Versicolor safely without any concerns.

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    Mr. M. V. (PIN 9791) visited our clinic for the treatment of Tinea Versicolor. He was suffering from Tinea Versicolor from the last 7 years. He had large hypopigmented patches on the neck, upper arm, chest, back, and abdomen. There was no itching. He was on the conventional treatment which would .....Read more

    Miss D.B.T aged 12 years (Patient Identification Number 13608) was suffering from extensive Tinea Versicolor since 3-4 months on upper chest, back, upper shoulder and upper arms. There was hypopigmented spot with very fine scales. She was not able to wear short sleeves or sleeveless dresses. It w.....Read more

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