Chronic Herpes Treated with Homeopathy

    Thirty-two years old patient named Mr. G. R (Patient Identification Number :23523) visited Chembur clinic on 6th September 2014 with a complaint of Herpes.


    The patient had a complaint of herpes since seven years. He used to get eruption once in two months. The eruptions used to remain for three to four days. He used to get eruption mainly on his genitals. There used to be burning on genitals during the episode. Skin used to become black during the episode and after that, it again used to be normal. His complaints used to increase after taking alcohol. The patient had developed anxiety because of it. He had taken homeopathy for same but there was no change. 


    He was vegetarian in diet. He used to love spicy and sweet food. All kind of sweets were his favorite. He had average thirst. He did not sweat much. There were no complaints regarding his stools and urine. His sleep was also normal. 


    The patient was staying in Gujarat. He was an engineer in ONGC company. His wife was a housewife. He had four years old son. His mother was staying with him. His father had expired a few years ago.


    He was very happy and mild kind of person. He always used to think logical and act logically. As such he was not short tempered kind of person when he used to get angry when someone contradicts him or does not listen to what he wants to say. 


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    He did not have any past major illnesses.


    His mother was suffering from high blood pressure problem.  


    With all these case details, her case was analyzed by Dr. Shah and she was prescribed some research base medicines.


    On 8th November 2014, the patient reported that he was feeling overall better. The intensity of disease was reduced after taking medicines. Also, the frequency was also less. The patient had got dengue so he stopped our treatment in between for five to six days but had started with our treatment. He was overall feeling better after taking medicines.


    On 31st January 2015, he reported that his herpes was almost fifty to sixty percent better. There were new eruptions coming but the frequency and intensity were very less. Moreover, the new eruptions were self-limiting and got settled on its own. The patient also developed some new eruptions on the face. The patient got anxious because of it as he thought that these are herpes eruptions and his disease has spread from genitals to face. He was counseled by Dr. Shah and he has explained that eruptions on the face are not of herpes but normal maculo-papular eruptions. On basis of all these feedback, he was prescribed further medicines. 


    On 11th April 2015, the patient reported that he was very much better. All his complaints were very less now. The intensity and frequency of disease were also reduced. The new eruptions on the face have also started to settle now. The patient was overall better with all his complaints. 


    On 31st August 2015, the patient reported that he was further better. The episode frequency has reduced now. Now he is getting only one episode in last two months and that also with very less intensity. It remained only for one day and got settled on its own. There was no need to take allopathic medicine for it. The patient was very much satisfied with our medicines. He further continued our treatment. 


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    On 12th December 2015, the patient reported that his complaints were almost eighty percent better. All his eruptions were getting settled. He did not get any new eruptions in past four to five months. The patient was very happy with the results. The patient also had complained of eczema on hands. There was dryness on both the palms due to cold weather and skin peeling was present. On basis of all this feedback, further medicines were prescribed to him.


    On 18th May 2016, patient reported that he was ninety to ninety-five better in his complaints. There were no new eruptions since past many months. Also, the old eruptions were almost completely settled now. Complain of eczema was also better. The dryness on skin was less and skin was not coming out anymore. Redness on the affected area of skin was also reduced. He was overall feeling much better. 


    On 24th September 2016, patient informed that he was better all these days but since past one week again he got a new eruption. There was no episode of herpes for past one year but it relapsed since one week. The intensity of disease was not as before. It was of very mild intensity. It went away in few days without any extra medicines. The patient said he did not take any allopathic medicines for new lesions. It went on its own. Old eruptions were completely gone now. Eczema was also very much better. There was no dryness or redness of skin present. The patient was overall better with his problems. 


    He was very thankful to Dr. Shah and the life force team who has helped him and made him so much better. He is still under our treatment to get completely cured. 


    - Case study done by Dr. K.R.B


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