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Case Studies

Mr. M.J.P (Patient Identification Number 14878) visited Life Force on 24th September 2010 for the complaint of scalp Psoriasis. He was suffering since 2-3 months. Almost 50% of his scalp was affected with Psoriasis. There were thick scales coming out, with severe itching. It has started spreading.....Read more

33 years old Mrs. M.G., availed our online treatment from Canada on 25th March 2010. Her Patient Identification Number is 17508. She was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in late February 2010. She had been experiencing the symptoms since January. She started having numbness in the face followed .....Read more

This is a case of Miss A. M. (Patient Identification Number: 19995), a young girl aged 21 years who reported to the clinic on 2nd October 2012 with the complaints of multiple small Fibroadenomas in the right breast,. She also had pricking pain in bilateral breasts. The pain would increase ten day.....Read more

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Urticaria and drug addiction with anti-histamines, warned by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

How to find a good homeopath for you, explained by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD, Life Force

Dr. Rajesh Shah's research on HIV | Life Force Homeopathy

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