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Case Studies

Parents of 8 months child (Patient Identification Number 15537) visited Life Force on 21st February 2011 for the treatment of their child for the complaints of loss of appetite (Anorexia), Sleeplessness and Frequent Colds. The child had loss of appetite. He would have only few spoons full at a ti.....Read more

A 26-years-old male, Mr. A.S.B. (PIN 32675) visited Vashi branch of Life Force on 5th July 2017 and gave his detailed case history. From the past two years, he was suffering from psoriasis and had a relapse since September 2016.

He was suffering from the redness and dryness of the scalp.....Read more

Retired 70 years old man residing in Mumbai (Patient identification number: 15767) was suffering from recurrent Varicose Ulcers since three years. He visited Life Force on April 2011 to start treatment under guidance of Dr Rajesh Shah MD.

Varicose U.....<a style='color:#8c451b;font-weight: bold;' href='../../casestudies.aspx?CS_ID=8317'>Read more</a> </div> </div> </div></div>
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Lichen planus and cortisone, some thoughts by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD(Hom)

Dr Shah, MD throws a challenge, Homeopathy is evidence based medicine, it works;

A book on Vitiligo by Dr Rajesh Shah who has treated 6000+ cases of vitiligo

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