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Case Studies

A 36-years-old male, Mr. PY (Patient Identification Number:30445) residing in Rewari, Haryana started treatment at Life Force for his vitiligo on 20th November 2016. He had registered with us through our online portal. He noticed a few hypo-pigmented spots on his skin developing gradually over a .....Read more

Dr. A R T, a sixty six years old ayurvedic doctor (Patient Identification Number: 22466) visited Life Force on 18th March 2014 with multiple complaints of chronic constipation, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and gastritis. His chronic constipation had troubled him the most since last forty years.....Read more

A country side teacher (PIN No - 8954) visited our clinic on 30th September, 2006. He wanted to seek treatment for his wife. The case details were reported by husband.

Mrs. I. A. G. aged, 52 years complained of Psoriasis in palms and soles since a year. It was severe with painful cracks.....Read more

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Role of Homeopathy in Nephrotic Syndrome Treatment explained by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

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