Life Force Homeopathy Patient's Case Studies

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Case Studies

Mr. M. A. (Patient Identification Number: 23924), a 56 years old male from Iran, who reported to Life Force on 29th October 2014 with the complaints of uncontrolled restlessness and pain in both the legs since eight years. He complained of res.....Read more

Mr. S. N., (16594) a 60 years old retired pensioner availed our online treatment for Prostatitis on 30th July 2011. He was diagnosed with grade 2 prostatitis, though his urine report and PSA levels were normal. He had burning sensation while passing urine. The lower back, pelvis and perineum woul.....Read more

Master D.G., five years old patient from West Bengal (Patient Identification Number 19444) visited with parents for the treatment of ADHD on 13th July 2012. His father had read all the information on ADHD written by Dr Shah in our website so he decided to meet Dr Shah personally and start the tre.....Read more

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Treatment for Tumors like Neurofibromatosis, Lipomas & Skin Tags, Can Homeopathy Treat?

Lichen planus and cortisone, some thoughts by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD(Hom)

Combat Ankylosing spondylitis with Life Force's gentle

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