Imagine being treated by a doctor you've never seen
Take a few seconds off-Can you describe your doctor? Is s/he tail? Does s/he wear spectacles? Is s/he young or old? As of today. You will be able to answer these question. But there is a possibility that in the near future, your reply to the above questions could be "I really don't know, I've never met my doctor through he has been treating me for over a year now".
Imagine being treated by a doctor you've never seen
Bombay Times, January 17, 1996
Yes, it's already happening in some countries, thanks to the Internet, find out more with Lyndon Cerejo

Take a few seconds off-Can you describe your doctor? Is s/he tail? Does s/he wear spectacles? Is s/he young or old? As of today. You will be able to answer these question. But there is a possibility that in the near future, your reply to the above questions could be "I really don't know, I've never met my doctor through he has been treating me for over a year now".
Already there are people in technologically advanced countries who don't know what their doctor looks like. There are those who don't even reside in the same country as the doctor who's treating them. Seems improbable and impossible? Definitely not at all the credit goes to the mammoth interconnection of computers we have known as the internet.
Exactly 200year ago, a German scientist, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann discovered nature's law of cure: 'Like Cures Like' Had he been alive today, he would have been surprised to see the leaps and the bounds by which this natural medical science has grown. It now falls under the popular and widely recognized alternative stream of medicine known as homoeopathy,. There are many homoeopathy (among other doctors) worldwide on the net, catering to people all over the globe.
And gearing up to commemorate the bicentenary year of homeopathy, Dr. Rajesh Shah from Ghatkopar, Bombay, began offering his services on the Internet. He is listed among other homoeopaths on the homeopathy home page besides. He also offers free information and literature to create an awareness and provide first hand information to the general junta on the 'Homoeopathy Information Cell'.
This cell was launched a few month after VSNL Connected India to the internet. Together with 'Sanjivak Homoeopathic Centre'. Dr. Shah, president of the Foundation for Homoeopathy Research, decided to put homoeopathy in India on the Net, in keeping with the rest of the world . Besides information he tries to give those who forward their queries the address of a qualified homoeopath closest to them, from a database, be it in Zambia or even Finland. The Homeopathy information cell can be visited under an information resource on India titled 'India - The Country I Love the Most', which is the result of months of effort on the part of Vipul Kapadia from the US.
For those who can't find homoeopaths in their localities, they can take resources to 'Homoeopathy Consultation On-Line '( vdk/ India/homoeopathy_ol.html) to use this service, you send an E-Mail about your aliment to Dr. Shah (
If you decide to go ahead with the treatment you will get an e-mail questionnaire specially designed for long distance treatment since homoeopathy takes into consideration not only the present sickness, but whole history of the patient ,treating the patient as whole.
Once returned duty failed . You get a prescription, In case you don't have a homoeo-pharmacy in your neighbourhood, you could also request Dr. Shah to send the medicine via courier, All this( minus the medicinal costs) comes at a cost of US$30 (which Dr. Shah hastens to add is about 20 percent of the charges in US/UK). This money, he also says is entirely used for further research and development.
All on-line patient are handled by Dr. Shah and his wife, Dr. Rupal, also a homoeopath. Being the only Indian homoeopath on the net, Dr. Shah has received about 50 requests so far (in three months) all from abroad ( I guess we have homoeopathic practitioners a-plenty here)
Recently Dr. Shah also launched " Homoeopathy Help-Line'- for homoeopathic practitioners needing a second expert opinion. This helpline is totally free of cost for those who subscribe to the journal Homoeopathy Times which is edited by him) The driving force for the doctor is the thank-you notes he often receives from his patient. Take this one for instance." I was just so amazed to get a reply from India. I don't fully understand the internet or how it manages to send and receive info literally around the world . You have got to admit doc, it's pretty amazing stuff. " And that, dear readers, is the understatement of the decade' Unlike the patient who was informed 23 hours too late that he had 24 hours to live, you’ll get your diagnosis via E-mail within a few seconds. Perhaps now you can rest in peace.
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