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Dr. Shah's research based homeopathy is more effective and scientific

When scientists, President of US family, diplomats, film stars, industrialists, and doctors from Europe, USA, Australia and other countries think of opting for homeopathic treatment for difficult diseases, they often get a recommendation of Dr. Rajesh Shah, MD Homeopathic who is currently treating patients from 157 countries. This is a world record. Dr Shah has pioneered online practice in India.

Dr. Shah's research based homeopathy is more effective and scientific
Bombay Times, June 13, 2008

When scientists, President of US family, diplomats, film stars, industrialists, and doctors from Europe, USA, Australia and other countries think of opting for homeopathic treatment for difficult diseases, they often get a recommendation of Dr. Rajesh Shah, MD Homeopathic who is currently treating patients from 157 countries. This is a world record. Dr Shah has pioneered online practice in India.

Dr. Shah heads Life Force in Chembur, which is amongst the largest homeopathic clinics in the world. Life Force is worlds first ISO 9001:2000 certified homeopathic clinic with an attached research wing. When asked why a research wing with a clinic?” Dr Shah replied, "Research is the key need of for scientific growth of homeopathy." Dr. Shah has been researching on the treatment of chronic & difficult diseases.

He is amongst the few doctors who have international patents to their credit. The research is changing the protocol for the treatment of many diseases. He is amongst the few doctors who have international patents to their credit. The research is changing the protocol for the treatment of many diseases, such as Autism, Allergies, IBS, Lichen Planus, psoriasis, Migraine, Hepatitis C, Urticaria, Ulcerative Colitis, etc. Dr. Shah is in practice since 23 years. Dr. Shah has trained doctors from the US, UK, Germany, Holland, Switzerland, Japan, Norway, Australia, etc.

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26-years-old male patient, Mr. V.J. (Patient Identification Number 28215) visited Life Force on 12th March 2016 with the complaint of otorrhea since 15 years. His otorrhea complaint had started 15 years ago. He used to suffer from discharge intermittently for the whole day and it used .....Read more

This case is of 34 years old male patient Mr. G. S. A (Patient Ref. No. S-5921) who reported to the clinic with complaints of irritable bowel syndrome.....Read more

Mrs. R.M, patient Reference No. 10431, age 35 years, presented on 28th Feb 2008, at Life Force with the complaint of pain in right foot and left heel since one year. She was suggested and X-rays and was thus diagnosed having Calcaneal Spur.


She had pain, tingling, numbn.....Read more

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