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An interview with Dr. Rajesh Shah

Physicians are used to getting phone calls in the middle of the night. And rare is the dinner that isn't interrupted by a cell phone. For Mumbai-based Dr. Rajesh Shah, however, the emergency summons is just as likely to be through email... from anywhere in the world.

An interview with Dr. Rajesh Shah
- by Nidhi Taparia Rathi


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Physicians are used to getting phone calls in the middle of the night. And rare is the dinner that isn't interrupted by a cell phone. For Mumbai-based Dr. Rajesh Shah, however, the emergency summons is just as likely to be through email... from anywhere in the world.

Like it came from James Ravenda of Toronto who, after futile visits to doctors in Canada and the U.S, is claimed to have been cured of his allergies by Dr. Shah's treatment in two months.

An equally dramatic claim is the recovery of German Alberto Frank from rare skin disease lichen planus, just one year opting for Shah's homoeopathic prescriptions.

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A 6-years-old boy, Master K.J. (PIN 27207) visited Life Force on 31st October 2015 with a complaint of vitiligo. The patient was suffering from vitiligo since six months. His disease had progressed gradually. At the time of consultation, his both the knees, abdomen, left elbow, lt. axilla, right .....Read more

A 51-year-old male, Mr. V. S. (PIN: 9415) visited Life Force Homeopathy and started the treatment for his complaint of trigeminal neuralgia on 7th March 2007.  


He was suffering from trigeminal neuralgia for five years. The patient was experiencing .....Read more

A 58-years-old eminent government officer (PIN 29373) visited Life Force on 29th July 2016 to get his vitiligo treated effectively. The patient had discovered a small hypo.....Read more

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