Hepatitis C Nosode: The preparation and homeopathic pathogenetic trial
A double blind, randomized placebo controlled homeopathic pathogenetic trial (proving) of Hepatitis C (Hep C) nosode was conducted with the aim to introduce the new nosode in homeopathic pharmacopeia.
Hepatitis C Nosode: The preparation and homeopathic pathogenetic trial
by Dr. Rajesh Shah, M.D
Homeopathy, Volume 102, Issue 3, Pages 207-214, July 2013<
A double blind, randomized placebo controlled homeopathic pathogenetic trial (proving) of Hepatitis C (Hep C) nosode was conducted with the aim to introduce the new nosode in homeopathic pharmacopeia.

Documentation included approval by Ethics Committee, Informed Consent Form, Laboratory investigations, safety and ethical measures. The volunteers were trained to write data in prescribed diaries and data were analyzed. A fifteen-step method was used in the preparation of Hep C nosode (genotype I and III), allowing future preparation of an identical nosode. 22 volunteers were entered, 15 received Hep C nosode in 30c potency, 7 received placebo, once a week for four weeks.
The Hep C nosode was associated with qualitatively and quantitatively distinct symptoms, which can be applied in clinical practice. A significantly higher incidence of pathogenetic effect of homeopathic medicine compared to placebo was observed. Safety was documented. The nosode produced symptoms comparable with Hep C disease.
An improved method of nosode preparation was used. A double blind, randomized placebo controlled pathogenetic trial of the Hep C nosode generated guiding symptoms, which may facilitate its prescription in practice. The nosode should be further explored for the treatment of immunologically mediated diseases, infections including Hep C, fibrotic pathology and chronic inflammatory disorders.
Content Source: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23870381
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