Dr.Shah treating patients from 90 countries
The only Indian doctor to feature in the Limca Book for a record of treating patients in 77 countries and then breaking his own record by spreading to over 92 countries. The only homeopath who advises on personal health-queries to patients from over 150 countries explaining to them the role of homoeopathy. The only homeopath who set up over 14 websites devoted exclusively to homoeopathy.
Dr.Shah treating patients from 90 countries
My Doctor, Mumbai
Mumbai:The only Indian doctor to feature in the Limca Book for a record of treating patients in 77 countries and then breaking his own record by spreading to over 92 countries. The only homeopath who advises on personal health-queries to patients from over 150 countries explaining to them the role of homoeopathy. The only homeopath who set up over 14 websites devoted exclusively to homoeopathy.

Welcome to the world of Dr Rajesh Shah, the world-renowed Mumbai based homoeopath. Dr Rajesh Shah started his practice in 1985 and today, the husband-wife duo of dedicated homoeopaths, Dr Rajesh Shah and Dr Rupal Shah, is changing the global face of homoeopathic treatment.
Being the pioneers in putting up the first medical website in the country to promote homoeopathy, it is no surprise that Dr Rajesh Shah and Dr Rupal Shah have about 14 homoeopathy-based websites today. They put in the result of their study and vital information about the disease on the site, named after the particular disease. Through Homoeopathy Information Cell, Dr. Rajesh Shah has been answering personal questions for last five years. What has now proved to be a break-through in treating patients is the introduction of video conferencing where doctor and patient could sit face to face and talk from two different parts of the world. And Dr Shah has been using this futuristic technology for the last three years.
Dr Shah website include classicalhomoeopathy.com, e-vitiligo.com, lichenplanus.com, urticaria.com, asthmaticbronchities, hairfalling.com, savetonsils.com and askdrshah.com. He can be contacted at his clinics on 5119080, 5093242 and 5131662 or by e-mail at: rajesh@askdrshah.com
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