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Bufo rana - A wonderful respiratory remedy

A detailed and thorough study of a case of Chronic Allergic Bronchitis had led me to prescribe Kali-carb for the patient. To my surprise, Kali-carb did not bring about satisfactory result. Whenever any thoughtful prescription fails, it gives an opportunity to think beyond the fixed norms. Failure in the above case compelled me to investigate the case further to examine remedies close to Kali-carb.

Bufo rana - A wonderful respiratory remedy
by Dr. Rajesh Shah, M.D.
Homeopathic Links, Volume 6, Fall 1993, Germany

A detailed and thorough study of a case of Chronic Allergic Bronchitis had led me to prescribe Kali-carb for the patient. To my surprise, Kali-carb did not bring about satisfactory result. Whenever any thoughtful prescription fails, it gives an opportunity to think beyond the fixed norms. Failure in the above case compelled me to investigate the case further to examine remedies close to Kali-carb.

On reviewing the case, some interesting features emerged indicating an unusual remedy. On prescribing the remedy there was dramatic improvement in the patient, which lasted for a very long time. The remedy was Bufo rana.

This case motivated me to study Bufo rana more deeply, especially its respiratory area. Prior to this study, I had several cases of Bufo rana where the remedy was selected predominantly on the basis of the mind. I studied the entire respiratory sphere of action of Bufo rana, and it was revealed that its symptomatology has a great similarity with the symptomatology of Atopic Respiratory disorders and its characteristic features of somewhat close to Kali-carb. The study of Bufo rana with this new angle taught me lesser known aspects of it, after which I could recognize a great number of patients suffering from cough and dyspnea presenting indications for Bufo.I would have otherwise missed. I have used Bufo rana successfully in numerous cases based on the indication given here. It was found useful in helping sub acute and chronic cases of respiratory disorders, besides its usefulness in acute episodes. The Following clinical conditions are particularly helped with Bufo rana, whenever indicated:
a. Bronchial Asthma (ii) Allergic Laryngitis (iii) Chronic Bronchitis (iv) C.O.P.D.


a) Tickling:
The keynote indication of Bufo rana in all the cases I have treated is "Tickling in larynx which excites cough". Patient may or may not come out spontaneously with these symptoms. We have to make it a point of carefully asking the patient (without leading them to a desired answer about such a sensation). I usually ask: " How does your cough begin?" "What make you wake up from sleep?". "Do you have any kind of irritation in the throat before getting the cough?".
b) Aggravation: 1 to 4 am; 3am:
Many medicines have tickling sensation in the throat. Bufo rana has a tickling sensation in the throat at a specific time, i.e. 1am to 4 am. This is very peculiar in Bufo rana. Hering writes: Cough provoked towards 3am to 4 am by a tickling in the larynx which he feels only at this hours. Bufo rana wakes up at around 1am to 4 am (especially 3 am) with tickling sensation in the throat leading to cough and dyspnea.

*Bufo and Kali-carb- A comparison:
  Kali-Card Bufo
Cough(Time) < 3 am,2 am
< 2 or 3 am
< 3 to 4 am
< 1 to 4 am
< 3 am
< 3 to 4 am
Sensation Dryness+++ Tickling
With time modality
Dyspnea:(Time) < 2 to 3 am
< 3 am
< 3 am
Posture < Lying while
< Lying impossible
> Sitting upright
> Rocking
< Lying while
< Lying impossible
> Sitting bent forward
> Frequent Stool
Clinical More of dyspnea More of cough

Here, it resembles Kali-carb. I had several cases where Kali-carb had failed with such a time modality and Bufo rana had been used successfully later. Kali- carb has dryness in the larynx at 3 am.

c)Other sensations:

Besides the tickling sensation in throat, Bufo rana patient may also present other sensation like stitching, sticking, stinging or burning which might excite the cough. Such sensations are often experienced at about 3 am or in the evening hours. Needless to say, such irritating sensation as described above strongly indicates respiratory disorder of atopic origin.

d) Better by clear bowels:

Cleaning of bowels by frequent stools or diarrhea ameliorates the cough in Bufo. I have seen this modality in only one patient of Bufo. This reminds of Pothos foetidus where dyspnea is better by passing of stool.

e)Type of cough:

Bufo rana has paroxysmal or violent cough (Violent cough with vomiting: Hering). It also has deep, hacking or hollow type of cough: Cough and dyspnea totality of Bufo: the reportorial Cough and Dyspnea totality of Bufo rana is as follows:

a) Cough

I) Night, 1 to 4 am ii) Night, 3 am iii) night, 3 to 4 am iv) Ticking in the larynx from v) Ticking in the larynx, from 3 to 4am (vi)sticking in the larynx, from 1 to 4am (vii) stinging or burning in the larynx, from (viii) Stitching in the larynx, from, evening (ix) hacking, violent, hollow, hoarse, deep, dry (x) Agg: eating, motion, excitement, getting feet cold (xi) Amel: diarrhoea, frequent stool.


Sensation difficult anxious, impeded. Modality (I) Agg: midnight,after,3 am (ii) Agg: lying down, impossible (iii) Agg: ascending (iv) Amel: Sitting bent for ward. On examination: Respiration sterterous. Sterterous, puffing expiration. Panting, ratting, Whistling.

Two examples from many cases treated successfully with Bufo.
Case 1

Mr. Y.G., male 33 years.
First seen on 4.8.1989. Chorionic Backache. Cervical and Lumbosacral pain. Recurrent Bronchitis: for 15 years. Frequency: Once in 2-3 months, lasting for 2-3 weeks (“more at 4 am.” The patient said spontaneously.

Back: Dull aching pain < Morning, on waking up, <Writing, >Lying down, >Stretching the limbs++ Face: Puffiness under eyes. Thermal state: Hot. Appetite: Good; Thirst: Average. No significant food preference. Perspiration: Profuse, >Air Conditioned room. Obesity. Sleep: Good, Dream:Not remembered. Family setup: Self + Wife + Son (10) + Son(5).

Mind: He is an industrialist. Ambitious and bright, highly successful in business: Cool tempered. Does not get tense easily; Cheerful, humble. Firm on his views: Mild, Not much social. Happy family life. No sexual discontent.
4.08.1989:- Swelling under eyelids, backache > lying on back, cough <3-4 am, Perspiration, profuse.
Prescription Kali-crab 1 M/ 1 Dose
13.09.1989- Backache: Better Cough: Started since 3 days.


Cough: Sudden < 3 am, sudden, dry < 4 am
Paroxysmal < Talking
Has to wake up > Salivation
From sleep due to > Swallowing
Cough excited by < Laughing
Tickling sensation in the throat.
Prescription Bufo-200 tds / 5 days
(The patient was prescribed Kali-carb 1M, III doses, on telephone. Which did not help him.)
30-09-1989: Cough > Within 2 days (usually such an episode would take 3 weeks to resolve)
Prescription: Placebo
03.11.1989: Better L.S. Backache:>80%, Neck pain, S.Q. (Patient having short neck)
29.09.1990: He was asymptomatic (except neck pain ), having Cough, again for last 3 days with similar modalities.
Prescription: Bufo-200 tds / 3 days.
03.11.1990: Cough was instantly better, No complaints.
No Prescription needed.
15.11.1991: Has had no episode of bronchitis in the last year, No further prescription needed.

Case 2

Mr. S.R. Male, 30 years, first seen on 13.04.1990, Past history, first episode of Bronchial Asthma in 1986.
Chief Complaints: Relapse of Bronchial Asthma since 26.01.1990. now about 70% under control with Betnesol and Asthalin, which he has to take several times a day, He could hardly attend to his work since than.
Cough and difficulty in breathing < Pollen, < 2.30am to 3 am. (Wakes with irritation and itching in the throat and strangulated feeling in the chest), > fan, > Air conditioner.

Patient had responded partly to Lachesis. 29.11.1990: Cough and dyspnea for 4 days. Patient is on Deltacort (t.d.s.) and Asthalin. One of the most severe episodes of asthma in his life. Cough: Hard, Deep, Spasmodic, Violent, Irritation in the throat waking him up from sleep at 3-47 am and he starts coughing, leading to dyspnea, Expectoration: thick, yellow, hard. Modality: *<Talking, < Eating, < 3 to 4 am, < 10 to 12 ( noon ), < Day and night. Prescription: Bufo-200 t.d.s. /5 days.
03.12.1990: Cough:50% better, Dyspnea: 90% better.
Bufo: 1000tds/1 day
10.12.0990: Cough 80% better with a day. Dyspnea better. Deltacort and asthalin stopped for 7 days. Patient said: "There was instant relief, I could sleep very well the same night."Rx: Sac lac.
8.05.1991: Has been well for the last 5 month, Now has a cough and a cold with dyspnea. Rx: Bufo-200 III doses.

Nov.1991: No Complaints, no Medicine. Bufo rana was found useful for the above cases without the usual presenting mental features. About 18 cases have been studied carefully. Gender affinity? Another observation made in cases treated with Bufo rana is that most patients (14 out of 18) were male. This observation may indicate a male-affinity in Bufo rana or it may be just a coincidence.
Feedback: Let me request the readers to incorporate this valuable remedy in the armamentarium. I would be obliged to receive reports on the response to Bufo rana whenever used in practice.

Dr. Rajesh Shah has been involved in homeopathic education and research since 1985 and is Honorary Homeopathic consultant with Mumbadevi Homeopathic Hospital and Hon. Visiting Lecturer at CMP Homeopathic Medical collage, Bombay. He is the founder president of "The Foundation for Homeopathic Research" in Bombay. For the last 3 years he is teaching internationally. Giving seminars in England, Scotland, Belgium, Holland and other part of Europe. He has introduced two original approaches towards to better application of Materia Medica, namely. The concept of facets and The phenomenological Approach" His book titled "My Experience with Ferrum metallicum" was published in 1992 and is reviewed in this issue.

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