Back to Basics, Down to Earth
The aWriting the first editorial for newsletter is an exciting and equally responsible job especially when it is expected to be read by serious homoeopaths all over the world. I have pleasure in inviting you to make 'Homoeopathy Times' an effective medium to read, write, learn, share, discuss, think, brood and freely express your-self about anything connected with homoeopathy. An instrument to read and reflect.
Back to Basics, Down to Earth
by Dr. Rajesh Shah, M.D
Homoeopathy Times, Vol.1 No.1 April 1994
Dear Friends,
Writing the first editorial for newsletter is an exciting and equally responsible job especially when it is expected to be read by serious homoeopaths all over the world. I have pleasure in inviting you to make 'Homoeopathy Times' an effective medium to read, write, learn, share, discuss, think, brood and freely express your-self about anything connected with homoeopathy. An instrument to read and reflect. Welcome!

Over the years the homoeopath is made to learn different methods of prescribing, varying from single to multiple remedies, key-note prescribing to organ remedies and mother tinctures; on drug images on the idea of Essence, etc. Lately fairy-tales, colours, radiaesthesia, imaginary interpretations in the disguise of artistic prescribing so called innovation in understanding the dream-delusion analysis, iridology, etc. have entered the world of homoeopaths. The scientific minded homoeopath will always ask : is this the homoeopathy Hahnemann would have liked us to practice after 200 years ?
Fantasies, imagination and speculation in relation to the understanding of disease, the sick man and in the construction of the prescribing totality should have no place in scientific homoeopathy.
A few lines from the foot-note to the first aphorism in Organon is worth quoting: "His mission is not, however, to construct so called systems by interweaving empty speculations and hypothesis concerning the internal essential nature of vital processes..nor it is to give countless explanations regarding the phenomena in diseases and their proximate cause wrapped in unintelligible words and an inflated abstract mode of expression which should sound very learned in order to astonish the ignorant whilst sick humanity sighs in vain for aid."
It is very important to have a scientific temperature so that homoeopathy survives and withstands time. The realisation has to come that the homoeopathic prescription has to be made by matching the patient's true totality with that of the prover. A simple rule that seems to have been forgotten by many. Otherwise every poet would have his own fanciful collection of materia medica...
An abstract technique of case-analysis perhaps may prove successful sometimes and in the hands of few. Hypothetically, it may be possible to select the similimum by studing patient's hand-writing. But such a method can not be popularized if it if it is not easily deciphered by most of us. The technique of case analysis which is scientific, logical, reliable and thorough should be made popular enabling every serious student of homoeopathy to implement it successfully. Agreed that homoeopathy is an art, too. But since its roots are in science, no absurdity can be tolerated. Again, we must be open to new ideas and it is healthy to have several schools of thoughts. However, we should not forget to retain only what is scientific and logical.
It is time to go back to our basics of perceiving the pure materia medica and the principles, which are essentially unadulterated from innovations, It is time to wake up and stop building our own air castles (china officinalis) about the symptoms and remedies, (..which sound very learned in order to astonish the ignorant...), and come back to the basics and be down to earth. Think...
I am sure this issue brings to you some important reading. Your participation by way of views, reflections, suggestions, articles, experiences as well as criticisms is warmly invited.