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Case Studies

Pain in Calcaneal Spur treated without painkillers

Mrs. S.R (Patient Identification Number-6263) visited Life Force Homoeopathy clinic on 23 rd November 2017 with a complaint of severe pain in the right heel for 2-3 months.

The heel pain was getting worse on taking initial few.....Read more

A 67-year-old male patient, Mr. P.N.B. (PIN: 40735) visited Life Force on 24th July 2019 for the treatment of his complaint of Asthma. He was suffering from Asthma for more than 5 years. He had no genetic history of Asthma or any other allergic complaints. However, he was working in th.....Read more

Young Y.T a 10 years old boy from Kuwait (Patient identification no- 16604) registered as an online patient for the treatment of Vitiligo. Case details were submitted by his mother by filling elaborate answers to the questionnaire sent to her. She had also sent very good photos of the affected pa.....Read more

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Homeopathy Treatment for Trigeminal Neuralgia Reduces Pain Intensity & Frequency of Attacks

Anxiety Neurosis

Empathy and understanding are the keys to embracing uniqueness.

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