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Case Studies

A 59-year-old male from Mumbai, Mr. V. P. (PIN: 44872) started treatment from Life Force Homeopathy for his complaint of tonsillitis on 27th February 2021. 

He was suffering tonsillitis for the last 35 years. The episode of tonsillitis turned frequent in the past .....Read more

Mrs. N. A. T. (Patient Identification Number - 18027) visited Lifeforce on 21st January, 2012. She was suffering from left leg varicose ulcer since 10 years. She had been operated for the same in 2005. She was relieved for 2 years till 2007. Since last few years it had started again with pain, it.....Read more

Mrs. D. A. K., forty eight years old female, staying at Mulund (Patient identification number : 22964), consulted Dr Shah for Meniere’s disease. She was suffering from vertigo since last fifteen years. It was associated with vomiting and right sided hearing loss. Since last fifteen days the vomiting.....Read more
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Urticaria and drug addiction with anti-histamines, warned by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

Role of Homeopathy for Asthma in Children Explained by Dr Shah

About Homeopathy Treatment in Hindi

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