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Case Studies

Mr. T. Y. Y (Patient Identification Number 16459) from Singapore contacted Life Force on 2nd June 2009 for the complaint of hair loss. He opted for online treatment and filled all his details in the questionnaire. He was suffering from hair fall for more than four years. He was loosing more than.....Read more

33 years old Mr A.N (Patient Identification Number- 11744) from Kalyan visited Life Force center for the treatment of Recurrent Tonsillitis on 31st January 2009.

He had tonsillitis since 1.5 years. The frequency of throat pain was aggravated since 4 months, frequency being once in 15 da.....Read more

Mrs. R.H.K (PIN 13721) was suffering from Asthma for the last 1 year. Her complaint was a persistent cough with white, thick expectoration. She would experience suffocation and a mild difficulty in breathing. She was suffering from the complaints almost every alternate day. Her complaints would g.....Read more

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Role of Homeopathy in Recurrent Tonsillitis Treatment in Children

Life Force Homeopathy Clinic for Homeopathic Treatment Online & Offline

Symptoms of Vitiligo: Mild, Moderate and Severe Vitiligo Symptoms by Dr Shah

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