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Case Studies


Parents of 2 years old child (Patient Identification number 14685) visited Life Force on 12th August 2010 for the treatment of his Atopic Dermatitis. The child was having this condition from the age of 2 months.

He was having red, small rashes o.....Read more

Mrs. S.M. visited Life Force on 8th September 2015 for the treatment of her 5-years-old daughter named Baby S.M. (PIN: 26940). The baby was suffering from constipation since she was 40 days old. Her barium enema findings were suggestive of short-segment Hirschsprung’s Disease (which is a&nb.....Read more

65 years old lady, Mrs. V. R. (patient ref no: L6742) was brought to the clinic by her husband for complaints of swelling of both the legs since 3 years. The swelling was more in the lo.....Read more

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Dr. Rajesh Shah's research on HIV | Life Force Homeopathy

Is it safe to combine allopathic medicines and homeopathic medicines?

How to find a good homeopath for you, explained by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD, Life Force

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