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Case Studies

A 33-years-old man, Mr. P.A.G. (Pin no-24175) consulted at Life Force Homeopathy for his complaints of liver cirrhosis on 26th November 2014. His liver cirrhosis was diagnosed six months back. The patient visited our centre with the symptoms of tenderness under and below his right-side ribs. This.....Read more

28-years-old Dr. R. S. T. (PIN 19422) visited our clinic on 24th April 2013. She was suffering from Molluscum contagiosum on her right eyelid. Its size was increasing gradually. It had become prominent in the past 2 months. On detailed examination, it was seen that she had multiple small eruption.....Read more

An eight years old girl (Miss S.A. PIN number L-9103) reported to the clinic for the treatment of residual symptoms of Guillain-Barré syndrome. She had poor muscle power, difficulty in getting up, difficulty in writing, reduced mobility of fingers and hip joint. She complained of low energ.....Read more

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Dr Rajesh Shah explaining role of homeopathy for Eczema treatment

Myths and Facts about homeopathy

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