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Case Studies

Forty years old, Mr. N. A. was happy with the improvement in her mother’s case which was being treated by Dr. Shah. His mother resided in Mumbai, near to our center. Mr. N. A. was working in Abu Dhabhi as a network manager in a health care company since sixteen years. He had read about Dr. Shah on i.....Read more

68-years-old Mrs. J. M. (PIN 21858) was already taking treatment for multiple complaints, such as asthma, hair fall, lumbar spondylitis, sleeplessness, and headache.

She developed an acute complaint of an abscess on her upper back. She reported this on 3rd February 2014. There was a lar.....Read more

Recurrent genital herpes treated successfully with Dr. Shah’s medications.

Mr. V. B., (PIN NO - 18262) visited our clinic on 6th May 2013. He had been treated successfully for Eczema and knee pain in the past by Dr. Shah. He had visited now for Herpes. He had suffered from this 20.....Read more

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First visit to homeopathic doctor? What questions to expect, explains Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

Can Cancer be treated by homeopathy, without radiation, chemotherapy and surgery?

Dr Rajesh Shah, MD explains why are some people against homeopathy?

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