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Case Studies

A patient, Mrs S.B.(L-11208) aged 52 , consulted Dr Rajesh Shah for her complaints of non healing ulcers. She was suffering from a rare disorder called "Lipodermatosclerosis." She was suffering from this illness since the last 20 years. She had non healing ulcers on both lower legs, the lesions .....Read more

A 51-years-old male patient, Mr. Q. S. (PIN 34710) visited Vashi branch of Life Force clinic on 12th December 2017 to get treated for his Sciatica, from which he was suffering for 6 months. His pain would start from the left lower back and radiate to hip, back of the thigh, and extend up to the l.....Read more

A 45 year old male Mr.J.J.C (Patient Identification Number 20302) came to Life Force on 26thNovember 2012 with a complaint of Vitiligo. He was suffering from vitiligo since last four months. There were milky white spots on both side of the neck. These spots were moderate in size. Initially there .....Read more

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Anxiety Neurosis

2nd May World asthma day...

Homeopathy does not required Blood test, X-rays, CT scans, MRI

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