Firstly, I would like to comment that your new website is very impressive and easy to use. I have been sharing homeopathy (and your website) with many people. I hope they will discover, like my family and I, the wonders of homeopathy! William is now 120cm and 24kg, very active, copes well in school and with his friends. He seems to be more tolerant of most food but still reacts to food with egg products (I think it depends on the amount of eggs used) slightly with a "buzzing in his ears", as he would describe the sensation! He's less reactive to dust also, I think. He still has a little of Eczema on his feet and it's very obvious when he's taken too much of processed stuff (which is not often) because he'll be itching on his feet and scratching. Other than the above reactions, I think he's doing so well and has come a long way with your medicines!
Veronica Koh (Mother of William), Singapore