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Case Studies

Seventy nine years old Mr P.K.P. (Patient Identification Number: 26540), visited Life Force Homeopathy on 19th August 2105 for seeking treatment for fungal infection (Tinea corporis). 

His fungal infection was progressively increasing since its onset three months back. It was on gr.....Read more

A 37 yrs male N.M (L-10709) came to the clinic with complaints of pain in both heels which were diagnosed as Calcanea spur, since 1 ½ yrs. The pain was severe for 10 days. The pain was more in right heel compared to the left. The pain was continuous in nature which was more on walking.....Read more

The inflammation of the larynx (voice box) is called laryngitis. There are two types of laryngitis.

Two types of laryngitis:

?Acute laryngitis: Short-time inflammation of larynx typically lasting less than 3 weeks. It is mainly due to viral infections, vocal strain bacterial i.....Read more

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Dr Shah, MD throws a challenge, Homeopathy is evidence based medicine, it works;

Anxiety Neurosis

What is Role of Homeopathy in Cancer Treatment?

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