An Excellent Recovery From Recurrent UTI Found With Homeopathy At Life Force

    A 57-year-old female, Mrs. M.D.T. (PIN: 29415) visited at Life Force center on 3rd August 2016 with the complaint of recurrent UTI (Urinary Tract Infection). The patient was suffering from this complaint for two to three years. The duration for an episode was mostly 6 to 7 days, and the frequency of her episode was once in two months. She was suffering from pain and burning sensation with urine. The urging to pass urine was painful & the frequency of urination was 6 to 7 times a day. Due to the burning sensation and pain, she was uncomfortable sitting. She had a fever on some occasions. She was suffering from itching near her genitals. At the time of the episode, the patient mostly took the antibiotic course but she stopped it for three months. Besides this, she was also suffering from oral lichen planus, hair fall, and menopausal syndrome.

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    She was a vegetarian by diet. She liked spicy foods. There was no specific disliking with regards to the food. Her thirst was very less. Her stool was satisfactory. Her perspiration was very less. Her sleep was disturbed. Her menses appeared once in 3 months. She was obese by her physique. 

    She was a homemaker. Her husband had his own business of tobacco production. Her son was also doing the same business. Her daughter was married & lived a happy life. 

    In her family, her father and maternal grandmother were suffering from diabetes. Besides this, there was no other major illness found in her family. She didn’t have any complaints in her past. 

    With regards to her mental aspects, she was a very quiet person. She liked the company. She was adjustable and helpful by nature. She had tension and stress in her past due to some family issues. She had the fear of ghosts. She was worried about her disease.  

    After studying her case in detail, Dr. Shah prescribed her his research-based molecule.

    On 8th September 2016, when she gave her first follow-up, there was a drastic improvement in her condition. The recovery from most of her symptoms was improved by more than 75%. Before the treatment, her symptoms used to appear once in two months for 6-7 days. However, after starting the homeopathic medicine from Life Force, the intensity of her symptoms had reduced a lot. Previously, she was feeling pain during urination. But, at her first follow-up, her pain had reduced by more than 75%. Her relief from the burning sensation while urination had also improved. Her hair fall had reduced by more than 70%. She was very happy with the result. 

    On 24th October 2016, when she gave her feedback, she informed me that, in September, one episode of UTI had relapsed. For that, she had taken an antibiotic course for 3 days with homeopathic medicine. Her relief from the other complaints, such as hair fall and menopausal syndrome, was in a good state.

    A few months later, on 30th March 2017, she gave her feedback. She informed that no episode of UTI had relapsed for 4 months. There were no symptoms of UTI affecting her. Her other complaints were also showing good improvement in terms of relief.

    On 7th August 2017, when she gave her feedback, her recovery from her UTI complaint was improved by more than 75%. She didn’t face any episode of UTI for 6-7 months. But, her hair-fall complaint had increased for one month. Her hair falls increased possibly due to the rainy weather. She was advised to diet and other management points related to hair fall. Except this, her relief from the other complaints was in a good condition. 

    A few months later, on 18th January 2018, she reported her feedback. She didn’t face any episode of UTI from the last 13-14 months. There was no pain, burning, or sensitivity while passing the urine. She was happy with the result. 

    She gave her feedback on 24th August 2018. There were no symptoms of UTI affecting her. Her UTI was totally cured. So, she was advised to stop the treatment. She was continuing her homeopathic treatment only for Lichen Planus which was also reduced by more than 75%.  

    This case highlights that homeopathy is quite effective in treating recurrent UTIs significantly and safely without any side effects.

    Written by Dr. Priyanka A, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah (MD, HOM)

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    A 57-year-old female, Mrs. M.D.T. (PIN: 29415) visited at Life Force center on 3rd August 2016 with the complaint of recurrent UTI (Urinary Tract Infection). The patient was suffering from th.....Read more

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