A Young Man Got Excellent Relief From Acne In Just 3 Months With Homeopathy

    A 24-years-old young man, Mr. M.N.P. visited Life Force Homeopathy on 18th December 2013 for treating his complaints of acne on face that he was suffering since the last two years. He had taken conventional medicines for a couple of months at the initial stage and found good recovery for around a year. However, since the last few months, it had recurred. His acne was painful, large, and filled with pus. The acne pustules would come in bunches on the cheek, forehead, and chin. His acne problem used to get increased in the summer season and after eating oily or spicy food. 

    His appetite was average with no specific liking or disliking. He was sensitive to the warm temperature. His sleep was sound and refreshing. He would often dream of lizards.

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    He was studying in the final year of commerce graduation, which he was pursuing through a correspondence course. His father had retired. His mother was a home-maker. He had an elder brother, who was married and staying separately with his wife and son.

    He was reserved by nature. He had anxiety related to his future and career. He used to express his anger by breaking things. He was indecisive about everything and also lacked self-confidence.

    He had suffered from peptic ulcer and skin allergies in the past. His mother suffered from sinus and back pain.

    After studying his case in detail, he was prescribed Calcarea Sulphuricum 30c by Dr. Shah.

    He visited for his first follow-up on 1st March 2014 and was glad to report 75% improvement in his relief from acne problem. All his acne had healed and there was no new occurrence of it.

    He continued with the medicines for complete recovery.


    Homeopathy is quite effective in treating the complaints of acne on face easily in a short time span.

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    A 24-years-old young man, Mr. M.N.P. visited Life Force Homeopathy on 18th December 2013 for treating his complaints .....Read more

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